Taste of Home

Winter caponata with grape tomatoes

Side dish
Vasetto gli speciali bio

Gli Speciali

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To make an excellent winter caponata, the first thing to do is prepare the sweet and sour vinaigrette. Mix the white wine vinegar with the sugar and beat with a whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Next, prepare all the vegetables. Remove the hard external leaves of the artichokes and any choke at the centre, cut the most tender leaves into rounds and put them into a bowl with the water and lemon juice immediately to stop them going black; parboil for 5 minutes then drain and leave to cool. Clean the sticks of celery and cut them into small pieces. Parboil them in salted water for 3 minutes then drain them so that they cool. Soften the previously cleaned cardoons in the same saucepan for 5 minutes then drain them and leave them to cool.
Now prepare the winter caponata. Slice the onion and brown it in oil in the frying pan. Add the Petti organic peeled datterini - organic peeled grape tomatoes drained of their sauce, the celery and cardoons and leave them to gain flavour. Pour the sweet and sour dressing over the vegetables and leave to cook for about 5 minutes, stirring regularly but ensuring that the peeled grape tomatoes do not break. Add the artichokes at the end and remove from the heat. Leave to cool at room temperature for a few minutes and then put the winter caponata into the fridge until it is time to serve it.

Ingredients for 4 people

3 artichokes
3 sticks of celery
3 cardoon stalks
1 brown onion
350 gm Petti organic peeled datterini - organic peeled grape tomatoes
50 ml white wine vinegar
2 spoonfuls of brown sugar
Extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper